Umpire Info for Coaches/Managers

Umpire Information for Coaches and Managers

GAME Reminders:

  • If a game is postponed for any reason, please let the Umpire Coordinator (see below) know as soon as possible so that the umpires can be cancelled in a timely manner.

  • If a game is rescheduled, please inform the Umpire Coordinator of the new date, time and field.

  • Umpire Pay Rates

         U11 - $40

         U13 - $45

         U15 - $50

         U17 Softball -   $50

         U18 Baseball -   $65 



Spectators, Coaches and Players:

  • Spectators, players and coaches please refrain from calling a ball or strike prior to the umpire making the call.  Many of our umpires are very young and would be extremely impressionable. 

  • Please let the umpire make the call before cheering on your athlete for a good eye etc!


  •  It is extremely important that we as spectators, parents, coaches, players and umpires treat each other with respect at all times.  There will always be calls that seem to not go our way, it is just as likely then that a call will seem to go your way when it maybe shouldn't have. 

  • Many of our umpires are young and just starting out.  Even if they are an older umpire and have done many games, it is challenging to umpire and please know that they are doing their absolute best and without them the game can't be played.


Please Note: Any concerns with the UMPIRES must be directed to the

Umpire Coordinator 

Jenn -


Feel free to share good experiences you've had with any of our home umpires

as it is just as important to know about and pass on this information!

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